Join us for our first ever daily challenge '50 DAY FIT'
For the next 50 days (September 1st - October 14th) you will have the opportunity hold yourself accountable by following a few strict rules and checking in with our highly trained nutrition/fitness team.
A Few Strict Rules:
-15 minutes walk/run outside
-15 minutes strength training inside or outside
-Consume 3 healthy meals a day
-Consume at least 1 healthy snack (includes fruits or veggies)
-Answer these 3 questions
-Send your daily check-in 346-376-3627
Checking in:
A daily text check-in text answering the above questions will be required by all participant. You will receive the initial text from us on August 19th(Day 1) which is where you'll start the thread for the 50 days of communication.
Nutrition and Fitness Team:
Alex George and Kaitlyn Barrett have the background in both fitness and nutrition as well as the motivation to help you reach your goals. The check in text messages are going straight to them through the Fit Kitchen Meals iPhone. 346-376-3627
Payment and perks:
With signing up, you are committing to $1 a day for 50 days. You will be charged daily. If you would like to reserve your spot and pay in full please call or text 346-376-3627 and someone will reach out and get you signed up.
Also, 10% off weekly plans and bundles for the entire 50 days. Use code 50DAYFIT before checking out.
Challenge Winner:
This is a 'no number' competition. However, you should will see numerical results following the rules. With that being said, we are looking for someone who follows all required rules as well as putting thought and effort into their questions.
Winner will receive a one-on-one nutrition consult for a personalized weekly plan. ($200+ value)
DISCLAIMER-if you miss a daily check-in or skip a day during the 50 days, your time does not start over. We will encourage you to pick back up and push through till the end. However, missing a day can result in losing the competition. GOOD LUCK!